Machine Learning Techniques for Text

Apply modern techniques with Python for text processing, dimensionality reduction, classification, and evaluation

Take your Python text processing skills to another level by learning about the latest natural language processing and machine learning techniques.

Key Features

  • Learn how to acquire and process textual data and visualize the key findings
  • Obtain deeper insight into the most commonly used algorithms and techniques and understand their tradeoffs
  • Implement models for solving real-world problems and evaluate their performance

Table of Contents

  • Introducing Machine Learning for Text
  • Detecting Spam Emails
  • Classifying Topics of Newsgroup Posts
  • Extracting Sentiments from Product Reviews
  • Recommending Music Titles
  • Teaching Machines to Translate
  • Summarizing Wikipedia Articles
  • Detecting Hateful and Offensive Language
  • Generating Text in Chatbots
  • Clustering Speech-to-Text Transcriptions

Tsourakis book

Reviews & Endorsements

Yiqiao Yinyoutube
Highly recommend it.
Saurabh Shahanelinkedin
This book is a great starting point for learning about the world of text data.
Parul Pandeylinkedin
This book is a great mix of theory and practice.
Carlo Lisi linkedin
Great examples, well explained code and easy to follow.
Aditya Bhattacharyaamazon
This book would be my first choice for learning or revising any concept involving both NLP and ML.
Billy Otienolinkedin
This book is a goldmine for anyone diving into the exciting world of Text Mining and NLP.
Andrea De Mauroamazon
This book does not just chase the latest sexy trends but enables readers to understand and master the foundational concepts.
Manny Raynergoodreads
Some books on machine learning are full of matrix algebra and partial derivatives, but there's little of that in Nikos's book: he's a hands-on kinda guy, and the book is constructed in a hands-on kinda way.
Karrie Liulinkedin
I will recommend this book to people who would love to explore the subject of NLP with very little understanding of the subject before.
Ryszard ZygaƂatwitter
A very well-balanced compromise between text processing theory and practice.
David Knickerbockerlinkedin
This book has several times shown something I did not know about something I know.
Kostas Kampourakisgoodreads
Clear and accessible for non-experts.
Sebastiano Gazzolalinkedin
Another strength of the book is the author's clear writing style.
Kedeisha Bryanlinkedin
I highly recommend it and it was a pleasure to read and follow along with.




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